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Camp Zama Golf Course (CZGC)

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Camp Zama Golf Course

The Golf Club (a non-appropriated fund activity) has over 150 annual members. The club features an 18 hole Par 72 course measuring from 4,903 yards from the forward tees to 6,464 yards from the back tees. It is considered by most golfers to be an extremely challenging course with large undulating greens and water coming into play on 6 holes on the front and 4 holes on the back. A driving range is available about 1 mile from the golf course. The golf course has a club house with full accommodations. These accommodations include a pro-shop, full service restaurant, bar, locker rooms, showers, rental clubs, professional golf instruction, and electric car rentals. 

Click Here for Golf Course Restaurant Page! 

Operation Hours


Restaurant & Lounge
Weekdays 6:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Weekends & Holidays 6 a.m. - 5 p.m. 5:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. 6 a.m. - 5 p.m. 6 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Golf Pro Shop
Weekdays 6:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Weekends & Holidays 6 a.m. - 5 p.m. 5:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. 6 a.m. - 5 p.m. 6:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Driving Range
Daily Sunrise - 10 p.m. Sunrise - 10 p.m. Sunrise - 10 p.m. Sunrise - 10 p.m.
Monday Sunrise - 10 p.m. 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunrise - 10 p.m. Sunrise - 10 p.m.
Hole Information
HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OUT 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 IN TOTAL
Par 5 4 4 3 4 5 4 3 4 36 3 5 4 4 4 3 4 5 4 36 72
Black 550 303 400 165 310 520 406 162 441 3257 168 500 393 321 336 209 325 491 464 3207 6464
BLUE 520 275 371 160 290 480 376 143 387 3002 157 489 369 308 321 173 313 459 429 3018 6020
WHITE 510 263 350 136 275 460 340 122 356 2812 138 478 354 293 306 151 296 429 396 2841 5653
RED 480 209 330 88 240 405 283 96 338 2469 120 371 291 264 265 142 287 366 328 2434 4903
MEN'S HDCP 1 7 15 17 9 5 3 13 11   18 2 4 10 8 16 14 6 12    
LADIES HDCP 5 11 3 15 13 7 9 17 1   18 14 2 16 10 4 8 12 6    
Course Rating/Slope


    USGA USGA Front Back
Tee Markers Length Rating Slope Rating Slope Rating Slope
Black 6,464 72.4 132 36.0 132 36.4 132
Black/Blue Composite 6,204 71.2 131 35.5 130 35.7 132
Blue 6,020 70.6 130 35.1 130 35.5 129
White 5,653 68.9 127 34.2 127 34.7 127
Red 4,903 64.7 117 32.4 115 32.3 118



    USGA USGA Front Back
Tee Markers Length Rating Slope Rating Slope Rating Slope
Blue 6,020 76.9 137 38.6 136 38.6 137
White 5,653 74.5 135 37.2 136 37.3 133
Red 4,903 70.4 125 35.1 130 35.3 120


Tee Time Information

Weekend / US Holiday Tee Times

Weekend / US Holiday Tee Times are requested in advance using the tee time request form. Fill out the request form and drop it in the tee-time request box in the golf shop NLT 6 p.m. on the Tuesday prior for weekends and US Holidays. Tee times will be drawn Wednesday morning and posted later that day. No unaccompanied guests will be allowed during the first two hours. The priority system on the request form will be followed. Saturday and Sunday tee times not filled by the lottery may be reserved by calling 263-4975 after 12 p.m. starting on the Wednesday prior. You must have at least 3 players to request a weekend/holiday tee times. Groups showing up with two or less players will be placed on the waiting list.

Weekday Tee Time Policy

Tee times will be given out two weeks in advance for individual tee times, or 90 days in advance for larger groups. Requests for multiple tee times must be made in writing (or e-mail) to course management. Group Tee-times not confirmed 72 hours prior are subject to cancellation. Two players or more are required to reserve a weekday tee time. Two-somes will be paired together whenever possible.

Priority For Weekends and US Holidays

  1. Zama GC Annual Members playing together (4 members playing together have priority over groups with just 3 members)
  2. Zama GC Annual Members with guests
  3. Other Golf Club Annual Members and other SOFA personnel
  4. All Others.
  5. Must have at least 3 players to reserve a weekend/holiday tee time!.


Accompanied guests may play at any time on a space available basis. Sponsors requesting tee times for unaccompanied guests should follow the procedures above using priority #4 for weekends or US Holidays.

Course Rules

Care of the Course

Ball hawking is prohibited. All golfers are prohibited from searching for balls (other than the one that they are playing) in lakes or wooded areas on the course. In addition, all players are prohibited from climbing on slopes around the lakes to retrieve golf balls. You are allowed to retrieve your own ball as long as you are not climbing on steep slopes or entering the lakes. Doing so damages the course and is a risk to your own safety. Golfers doing so will be asked to leave the course. All golfers must rake sand traps, put sand in their divots, repair ball marks on greens and pickup their trash. Do not dispose of cigarette butts on the course.  Use the ashtrays that we provide for the golf cars.  Sand bottles and/or sand bags are provided for golfers who choose to walk instead of renting a golf car.  Walkers must carry sand with them when they play to repair their divots. 

Dress Code

Male golfers must wear collared shirts with the exception of mock turtle neck short sleeve shirts made by golf clothing manufacturers (e.g. Nike). Shoes must be either golf or tennis style. No hard soled or waffle bottom shoes or boots will be permitted. Ladies shirts can either be sleeveless or collarless but not both. Jeans are allowed. Cutoffs, swimwear and running shorts are not allowed.

Age Requirements

Age Requirements: Children must be at least 6 years of age, be accompanied by a parent or adult sponsor, and be playing golf to be on the golf course. Non-golfing children under the age of 18 will not be allowed on the course. Children must be 12 or older to play unaccompanied by the sponsor and be able to demonstrate golf proficiency. Course management reserves the right to restrict youth to certain times and mandate forward tees be used to ensure an adequate pace of play.

Golf Car Rules

A valid driver’s license is required to operate a golf car. Only two passengers and two golf bags may be placed on a golf car.  Golfers wishing to utilize a cart by themselves can do so by paying the additional cart fee. No children under the age of 10 will be left unaccompanied in the golf car. Children will not ride in the drivers lap, sit behind the wheel or operate the golf car at any time. Violation of this rule will result in loss of golf car rental privileges. Golf cars will be kept on the paths at all times (all 4 wheels) around greens and tees. Authorized drivers under the age of 18 not accompanied by their parents must return the golf car by closing time (1700 hrs - Nov-Mar / 1800 hrs - Apr-Oct). Non-golfers under the age of 18 will not be allowed on the course.  Non-golfers who wish to ride must pay a cart fee.  No pets are allowed.

Outside Food and Beverages

No outside beverages or coolers are allowed onto golf course property. Small snack items are allowed. Under no circumstances will outside alcohol be allowed onto the property.

Reciprocal Privileges

Zama Golf Club currently reciprocates with Tama Hills Golf Course and Atsugi G.C. (50% discount on green fees).  Personnel stationed at Camp Zama who purchase a membership at Tama Hills or Atsugi will not receive reciprocal privileges at Camp Zama.  Active Duty Army Soldiers TDY to Camp Zama who have an annual green fee card from a US Army Golf Course will pay 50% of the published green fee for 18 hole rounds with a two-week maximum.

House Guest Policy

The purpose of a house guest pass and subsequent house guest rate is to allow persons visiting SOFA personnel assigned to the Camp Zama area the opportunity to play golf at a rate lower than the rate for local citizens. The following procedures will be followed when requesting a house guest pass.

  1. The sponsor and their house guest must personally come to the golf course to get the pass (CAFMD Form 0254) prior to each round of golf. Course management will verify that the guest is a house guest who is authorized a lower rate.
  2. One form will be issued for each round of golf.
  3. The cashier will collect the house guest form at the time the green fee is paid.

** A house guest is someone who is staying with a SOFA sponsored person (either on or off base). 

  1. House guests should be visiting from outside Japan or  
  2. A Japanese house guest is defined as immediate family members of authorized SOFA personnel "father, mother, brother and sister".


Practice is restricted to the designated practice areas and is not permitted on the course, except for practice swings prior to shots. Mulligans, practice putting or taking additional shots is not permitted while other players are waiting behind you. Taking extra shots into the greens put additional marks on the green and is not allowed. Playing more than one ball is not allowed. Golf holes must be played in order.  Please don’t jump around the golf course. 

Handicapping Services

USGA Handicaps are required for all most golf tournaments.  It is encouraged that all golfers establish a handicap so that they can participate in golf tournaments.  The annual fee for a handicap is $35 payable in the golf shop.  The fee covers a calendar year and is discounted if purchased after October 1st.  All handicap subscriptions expire on 1 January of each year.  Updated indexes are sent out after each round.  All golfers who maintain a handicap are required to post all acceptable scores.  It takes 54 holes to establish a handicap (combination of 9 and 18 hole rounds.) 

Balls Over the Net

All golfers are reminded to take extreme care when hitting shots in the vicinity of the perimeter fences, especially hole #6.  All golfers MUST report any shot hit over or suspected of hitting over the net.  Penalty for failure to report a ball over the net is a one year suspension without refund.  NO TEES CAN BE USED ON THE 6th HOLE TEE BOX.  THE BALL MUST BE PLAYED FROM THE GROUND.


  • All golfers must have their own set of clubs
  • Fivesomes are allowed at the discretion of the management.
  • Locker room towels are for use in the locker rooms only – DO NOT TAKE THEM ONTO THE GOLF COURSE.
  • All lost and found items will be kept at the starter’s office for 6 months after that point they will be discarded. 
Fee Information


Green Fees

18 Holes 9 Holes
E-1 to E-5 Active Duty Enlisted / Youth (17 & Under) $13 $8
All Remaining Users $22 $13
House Guest $30 $20
All Other Guests (Weekday) $80 $50
All Other Guests (Weekend / Holiday) $100 $60
Local National Employees / Tomodachi Day $40 $25
JSDF Military $40 $25
USARJ Honorary Members (Weekday) $40 $25
USARJ Honorary Members (Weekend) $60 $35
Speciality Rates
18 Holes 9 Holes
Local National Employee Twilight (after 2 p.m.) $20 (9 Holes)
Student Rate (up to 23 with student ID) $40 $25
Guest Junior (17 and under) $35 $20
Honorary Golf Members (10 Play Card) $700
Weekend Surcharge – Honorary 10 Play Cards $30 $25


Golf Car Fees

18 Holes 9 Holes 9 More Holes
SOFA - Per Person (2 carts per group) $11
Guest - Per Person (2 carts per group) $20 $12
Local National - Per Person (2 carts per group) $15 $10
Twilight Hours (Apr - Oct: 3 p.m.) • (Nov - Mar: 2 p.m.)
Annual Patrons (DOD )- Per Person $6 (Play till Dark)
Non Members (DOD) - Per Person $6 (9 Holes Only)
All Others $12 (9 Holes Only)


Annual Green Fees

Category Price
(Cat 1)  E1-E5 Active Duty Enlisted / Youth (17 & Under) $200
(Cat 3)  All Remaining Authorized Users $500
(Cat 4)  Local National Employees (Assigned or attached to USARJ) $1,400
(HGC) Honorary Golf Members (invitation only) $2,400

Annual family membership fees for SOFA patrons are available for an additional payment of 60% of the Sponsor’s Rate.


Rental Fees

Item Price
Clubs / Regular $5
Premium Set Clubs $25 ($15 for 9 holes)
Shoes $5
Lockers (12 months) $84


Handicap Information

  • $35 Annual fee (Calendar Year)
  • $15 Junior (17 and Under)
* Patrons will be charged according to their respective current employment status
* All guests must ride a golf car


Standing Operating Procedure (SOP) for Advanced Green Fees


Tomodachi Days
  • Japanese guests may play with a person of SOFA status (Max 3 guests per person).
  • Green Fees: $40 plus cart fee
  • Check with starters for Tee Time Availability.
Driving Range

Driving Range is unattended

Camp Zama has a regulation length driving range located at the end of Coomer Drive, Bldg. 1045 (Past Gate #7).

We keep an assortment of used clubs to use at no charge for golfers without clubs. We also have men's and ladies restrooms and vending machines available.

There is also a small putting and chipping green and practice bunker available for use at no charge.

Range balls are issued from a Range Servant ball machine located at the range. Cost for balls is as follows:

Balls Cost
36 balls $3
30 balls ¥300

Open during holidays (Both U.S. and Japanese Holidays)

Lesson Information

Director of Golf

Mr. Dale N. Jorgenson Jr. (PGA Member)

Lesson Price
25 minute lesson $40
- Four 25 minute lessons $120
55 minute lesson $60
- Four 55 minute lessons $200
9 hole lesson $75


MWR Golf Instructor

Ron Nichols・ (PGA Member)

Lesson Price
25 minute lesson $40
- Four 25 minute lessons $120
55 minute lesson $60
- Four 55 minute lessons $200
9 hole lesson $75


For More Information, Please Call 263-5284

Honorary Golf Membership (English and Japanese)

A limited number of Honorary Golf Course Memberships will be available annually. To be eligible you must agree to be a frequent user of the Golf Course and to be a regular sponsor of guests for golf. We expect each Honorary Member to play a minimum of 25 rounds per year. If you are granted an Honorary Golf Membership you will receive unescorted access to Camp Zama for the purpose of playing golf. You will be able to sponsor 7 guests and two additional vehicles.


10 Play Card $700 (Good for one year)
7 Days Unlimited $2,400

Honorary Golf Membership Procedure

Golf Pass Application

AJ Form 47

Golf Pass Application Sample (記入例)

AJ Form 47 Sample (記入例)

Kanto Military Golf Tournament

Get your clubs ready and mark your calendars for these exciting golf tournament in 2024!


Kanto Military Golf Tournament

Get your clubs ready and mark your calendars for these exciting golf tournament in 2024!

More Social & Dining


Mongolian BBQ Night

@ Camp Zama Community Club, Dining Room

Jan 22 5 pm - 7 pm


@ Zama Bowling Center

Jan 23 6 pm

Closest to The Pin Contest! - EAGLES NEST, HOLE 5 141 yds -

GOLF SIMULATOR @ Zama Bowling Center, Bowl Room

Feb 1

Bowling - Unlimited Cosmic Hyperbowl Night

@ Zama Bowling Center

Feb 7 5 pm - 10 pm

Super Bowl Party 2025

@ Camp Zama Community Club Doors Open 7a.m.

Feb 10


@ Zama Bowling Center

Feb 13 6 pm

Valentine's Day Dinner

@ Camp Zama Community Club, Dining Room

Feb 14 5 pm - 7 pm

Camp Zama Community Bazaar

@ Camp Zama Community Parking Lot

Mar 8 9 am - 5 pm

St. Patrick's Day Lunch Special

@ Camp Zama Community Club, Dining Room

Mar 17

2025 U.S.-Japan Friendship Cherry Blossom Festival 日米親善 在日米陸軍キャンプ座間桜祭り

@ Yano Sports Field, Camp Zama DJ Music, Children's Activities, Festival Food & Beverages... and CHERRY BLOSSOMS! DJミュージック、キッズゾーン、アメリカンフード屋台 キャンプ座間の桜とともにお楽しみください!

Mar 22 1 pm - 6:30 pm


Live music at the Cherry Blossom Festival!

Mar 22 4:50 pm - 6:05 pm


Live music at the Cherry Blossom Festival!

Mar 22 4:50 pm - 6:05 pm